Luckily, you can submit your sitings and they'll verify your identification and add that siting to their database. Some of my photos wouldn't be worth sharing, but they're good enough to get an ID so the siting can be added. This is the only way for the database to grow folks...because there are just too many of them and too few scientists studying them. Please consider lending a hand and sending in your photos.
Here are just a few I've come across. (Note that the pictures have been cropped so all moths seem to be roughly the same size but they range from about 0.5 inch (Gray Scoopwing) to more than 3.5 inches (Luna Moth).)
Cherry Scallop Shell (Rheumaptera prunivorata) |
Scarlet-Winged Lichen Moth (Hypoprepia fucosa) |
Gray Scoopwing (Callizzia amorata) - notice how he partially folds his hind wings over his body |
Maple Spanworm (Ennomos magnaria) - he holds up his wings and abdomen |
Luna moth (Actias luna) |
Lettered Sphinx (Deidamia inscriptum) - he holds up his abdomen above his wings |
Hickory Tussock Moth (Lophocampa caryae) |
Stone-Winged Owlet (Chytolita petrealis) |
Nais Tiger Moth (Apantesis nais) |
Yellow-Banded Underwing (Catocala cerogama) |
Rosy Maple Moth (Dryocampa rubicunda) |
Pale Beauty (Campaea perlata) |
And so the butterflies don't feel slighted, here's a Silver-spotted Skipper having a little snack.
Silver-spotted Skipper (Epargyreus clarus) on red clover |
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